Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Might as well have a brownie too...

....the little voice whispered. I've avoided several binge triggers over the past few days, which makes my heart sing with happiness...or at least satisfaction. On Monday I had two Pop Tarts that had been in my locker for several days. Unfortunately, by the time I realized I was quite hungry it was almost time for me to be out at the public desk so I couldn't exactly enjoy them mindfully. I then spent the rest of the day and evening fighting the desire to say "what the heck" and eat everything in sight. I refrained and kept telling myself that two Pop Tarts does not a failure make, even eaten very quickly standing up.

Wednesdays are always a challenge for me and I almost always cave in. It's a bit of an odd day because I'm home for a few hours alone in the morning, go in to work at 11:30am (so lunch is always iffy), and then work til 8:15pm. Dinner is usually at 4:30 or 5pm, so I'm almost always very hungry by the time I get home from work. I end up eating, feeling bad because I had already eaten my "quota" for the day, and eat some more. This morning I stayed busy at home and didn't eat until I got to work. Then a coworker brought in a cake roll from a local place that usually has yummy baked goods. I tried to cut myself a smallish piece to eat with lunch, but it came out rather largish. As I started eating it, I realized that it wasn't really that great. I ate it anyway, and then so, so, so wanted to go get a brownie from the plate that another coworker had brought in for her birthday treat. However, I was quite full and I can have brownies whenever I want. I know for a fact this coworker uses mixes anyway, so a brownies would not be worth the guilt trip. So far, so good....


Anonymous said...

I hope the rest of your Wednesday went really well.

i often use the "I can eat that any time I want" phrase to get me out of tight spots involving mouth hunger

wife2abadge said...

Welll...I didn't binge but I wasn't exactly mindful the rest of the day. I ended up eating half a brownie later and I was right -- it wasn't worth it.