Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 11 -- Whew!

I can't believe I made it 11 days in a row without getting sick, having a breakdown, or strangling a patron! Tomorrow I finally have a day off; R is having an overnight guest tonight, another one tomorrow night, both girls have gymnastics tomorrow, and I have to take C to see the Doodlebops in concert tomorrow afternoon. So much for a restful day off. I'm off work for the day in 8 minutes and I plan to do nothing more strenuous than bake some cookies and walk the dog this afternoon (and watch C and her friend, and take R and her friend to "Parents' Night Out" at school, and....).
My second yoga class went quite well -- no pain, or soreness. It doesn't feel much like exercise, but I feel stretched out and relaxed by the end of class. I then had to go home to a stressful atmosphere of trying to straighten up for the cleaning lady. Oh well, at least I HAVE a cleaning lady.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your daughters are adorable!!
Yoga: It doesnt feel like much, but it's really good for you.
Good job on 11 days!